Monday, 27 June 2011

Sparrowhawk comes to the garden!

We have a large and bustling population of the common garden birds active around the feeders. It's great to see 6 or more blue-tits and great tits on one fat-ball feeder!
Right now there are families of Chaffinches, Tree Sparrows, Green Finches, Blue Tits and Great Tits.
Frequent other visitors include several Nuthatches, some Greater Spotted Woodpeckers and several Blackbirds and Robins. We've seen quite a few other species too, but these are the "regulars"!

One visitor is much less welcome though - every day he swoops through the garden and makes off with one of the small birds. I'm pretty sure its the same Sparrow-Hawk every day - a male. And he is getting far too good at reducing our bird population!

His technique is to fly in and perch in some open position where he can see what is going on. He sits there until the initial fright he caused has died down and the smaller birds resume feeding. Once, he sat for at least 30 minutes on the bird bath with his tail well under water! Once the small birds are back, he swoops - and off he flies with a morsel in his claws.

Should we intervene? We haven't so far, although when he decided to take a bluetit that was inside one of the cage-type feeders, it was quite upsetting to watch. Now, it's "That bloody Sparrow-Hawk's been again".
I can understand why they were shot, but the RSPB says that it is a sign of a healthy bird population!


Fron Rafel Beetroot Jam! Grown from seed using Welsh un-treated soil & watered with Carmarthenshire spring water. Our Beetroot is carefully selected and cooked to our family recipe.

Fron Rafel Beetroot Jam is a superior preserve.

Spread lightly over freshly toasted bread or as an accompaniment to a ploughman's lunch for maximum taste satisfaction!

Sunday, 26 June 2011



Welcome to

This is the story of a real life suburban family that moved to West-Wales in search of "the good life".

Our posts will include events of our day to day life, stories from friends and family that visit from all over the globe and a general insight into whats going on in our 7 acre small-holding near Carmarthen, West Wales.

If You would like to contact us to discuss any allotment and wildlife based banter or if You would like a general chat about the goings on here, please don't hesitate to email us on

Again... Welcome to our web hub & enjoy Your stay.

Iechyd da.

Dave & Elaine x