Thursday, 29 January 2015

Fish or not?

The other day our gardener, the indefatigable Terry reported seeing a sleek heron striding away from the pond!

I am very keen on bird life and I greeted his news with delight! But it raised a question and an answer in my mind!
The answer was that the herons presence was probably why we haven't ever spotted any of the 5 grass carp that we released into the pond last year!
The question is...
Was it a good idea to stock the herons larder at all?
The pond had extensive grass growth from the banks, which amongst other problems threatened to block the outflow pipe which ultimately would cause the back of the pond to collapse! So, we bought the fish as the recommended way to control grass growth!There has been no evidence that the grass has been reduced at all. But I have reservations that maybe the low level pond life like dragon fly larvae might have already suffered too...?
Opinions welcomed, either respond on this blog, or tweet me, @Fron_Rafel with your view!
By the way, the fish were not inexpensive.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

New owl boxes

We have added two (twit two) Barn owl boxes to the wide range of nesting sites we have here, after spotting a hunting owl in the orchid field.

Design of the box was from the RSPB website, and the boxes were made by a local carpenter!

These birds are limited by lack of nesting sites, so we hope for early occupation in Spring, as the boxes have been in place all Winter. 

Sorry for the lack of posts, been busy dealing with Cancer

2014 has been largely consumed by treatment for a malignant brain tumor which was found in January 2014.

Surgery, then radio therapy, then chemo therapy kept the monster at bay until now when it has started re growing.

Just waiting now for the Oncologist to suggest future options!

Then here we go again with the same treatment cycle maybe

Next blog 2016 hopefully?

I hope so.